Work Experience

Work experience placements are an important part of the courses that we offer. They give our students the opportunity to experience the world of work, road test different jobs and explore the demands of those roles. These opportunities give our students the chance to gain real life work experience and to help develop their understanding of the skills that they need to enter the world of work.
Work experience placements provide an essential opportunity for students to identify their skills and strengths and help them make a decision about the future career path that they wish to take. Work experience placements run throughout the year and can be weekly, in blocks or a day a week for a block of time. Work experience will be arranged by the College but we encourage students and families to also find appropriate work experience opportunities - the College will do the risk assessments and other checks.
Students may be accompanied by our staff on a daily basis, or depending on the level of independence, will have link day visits to check on their progress. The college will risk assess the work place to ensure that the necessary insurance and health and safety measures are in place. We are not there to create work for the employer but that we meet the employers’ needs and make them fully aware of the student’s needs.
Work opportunities for our students are sought in a range of working environments and vocations. The students are job matched according to the opportunity, ability of the student and the needs of the employer.
Our students are enthusiastic, reliable and want to work. They add to the diversity of the workplace which reflects positively on others. If you are an employer offering work experience you could gain the Disability Confident quality mark and support your Equality Act compliance. If you, or a representative of your company are able to offer an experience of work we would love to hear from you so please get in touch with the college.