Independent Living Skills

Independent Living Skills at Newfriars College
We are preparing young adults to be able to live their best possible adult life. Supporting our young people to develop the skills they need to have an independent and fulfilling an adult as possible is an essential part of our curriculum offer.
We will, based on individual needs of each young person:
- Develop confidence in communication using the young person’s preferred means of communication.
- Ensure our young people know they have choice
- Ensure our young people know how they can communicate their choices.
- Develop the right skills needed to support their chosen adult pathway including:
- Personal care
- Managing their money, including bank accounts, online banking and budgeting
- Cooking, shopping and nutrition
- Home management
- Relationships and friendships
- Personal wellbeing
- ICT skills including staying safe online
- Accessible technology in day to day life
- Day to day English and Maths skills
- How to make appointments
- How to ask for advice or help
- How to take an active part in their own community
- Travel training
- Staying healthy
We will develop these skills with our young people by:
- Being out and about in the community as much as possible
- Embedding ILS across our curriculum
- Accessing the College’s excellent facilities: fully equipped kitchen, Independent Living Skills room; Home management resources; ICT resources; gym and MUGA pitch; College café.
- Encouraging young people to practise skills at home – and share their progress with us.