Admission Arrangements
Admissions to Newfriars College
During or prior to the Education Health Care Plan (EHC plan) parents and prospective Students can make an appointment to visit Newfriars College to discuss the individual Student’s SEN and curriculum needs. During this visit parents/families will be made welcome and given a College Prospectus which includes a synopsis of all policies. A member of the Senior Leadership Team or Transition manager will also give parents the Colleges ‘Data Collection to obtain relevant Student information. We will endeavour to answer any questions and to discuss any concerns.
The admission to the College is largely supported by the Senior Leadership Team and Local Authority (LA). Newfriars College work very closely with Staffordshire, Stoke-On-Trent and Cheshire East. The Local Authority’s follow the procedures described in the SEN Code of Practice 2014 and may recommend placement at the College. Referrals for admission to Newfriars College will start from a consultation at a young person's Education Health Care Plan (EHC plan), or Annual Review.
* Parents will have been consulted throughout the process of naming Newfriars College on their child’s EHCP.
If the offer of a placement is accepted then the College would wish to make the transition as easy as possible for the child and his/her parents. The College will arrange a transition plan which consists of several visits to the College to ensure that your child is familiar with their new teacher and College. We will also gather key information in order to support the young person as effectively as possible as they join our College.